
How to call the API from an app

Hedera Wallet Snap connects to your currently connected Metamask account by default. To learn how apps can connect to Hedera Wallet Snap using a non-metamask(external) account, refer to this documentation.

Then, depending on whether you're trying to connect to a metamask account or a non-metamask account, you can call the snap API in the following way:

const snapId = `npm:@hashgraph/hedera-wallet-snap`

const initiateSwapAPI = async () => {
  const externalAccountParams = {
    externalAccount: {
      accountIdOrEvmAddress: '0.0.12345',
      curve: 'ED25519'

  const requester = {
    assetType: 'HBAR', // 'HBAR' | 'TOKEN' | 'NFT'
    to: '0.0.1',
    amount: 1
  const responder = {
    assetType: 'TOKEN', // 'HBAR' | 'TOKEN' | 'NFT'
    amount: 10,
    assetId: '0.0.4279119' // For NFT, the format is tokenId/serialNumber

  await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
    params: {
      request: {
        method: 'hts/initiateSwap',
        params: {
          network: 'testnet',
          atomicSwaps: [{
          memo?: // Optional param - type string
          maxFee?: // Optional param - type number(in hbars)
            Uncomment the below line if you want to connect 
            to a non-metamask account
          // ...externalAccountParams

What the API does

  1. Retrieves the currently connected account the user has selected on Metamask. If it's the first time, a new snap account is created and the account info is saved in snap state.

  2. Parses the arguments that were passed

  3. Uses scheduled transaction to implement the atomic swap feature whereby the requester initiates the swap with the responder by calling this API upon which the snap sends this transaction as a scheduled transaction to the ledger. Within 30 minutes, if the responder calls the hts/completeSwap API with the scheduleId of the transaction, the swap is complete.

  4. Returns the transaction receipt as response

Example of how the Atomic Swap is performed

Let's assume Alice wants to swap her 1 Hbar with 10 Tuum token that Bob has(basically a peer to peer swap)

  1. Alice calls the snap API for hts/initiateSwap and as part of the parameters, she says she wants to give her 1 Hbar to Bob if Bob can give Alice 10 Tuum tokens

  2. Snap creates this atomic swap transaction and sends it to the network as a scheduled transaction with a max expiry of 30 minutes

  3. Snap returns the schedule Id for this transaction

  4. Alice lets Bob know about this atomic swap transaction and gives him the schedule Id

  5. Bob queries the schedule Id and verifies everything looks good

  6. Bob calls the snap API for hts/completeSwap with the schedule Id

  7. The scheduled transaction is executed and the atomic swap transaction is complete

An example response:

    "currentAccount": {
        "metamaskEvmAddress": "0x0b3628d1b838993b5fceec8b2a26502e7a8e5241",
        "externalEvmAddress": "",
        "hederaAccountId": "0.0.3581604",
        "hederaEvmAddress": "0xca53f9c93d30e0b7212d67901e5a24fb090d542b",
        "publicKey": "0x0206022cea4c6dd6d2e7263b8802253971de922f5380661d97cba82dee66f57ad6",
        "balance": {
            "hbars": 88.13421155,
            "timestamp": "Fri, 26 Apr 2024 17:50:12 GMT",
            "tokens": {
                "0.0.4279119": {
                    "balance": 50,
                    "decimals": 1,
                    "tokenId": "0.0.4279119",
                    "name": "NewTuum",
                    "symbol": "NEWTUUM",
                    "tokenType": "FUNGIBLE_COMMON",
                    "supplyType": "INFINITE",
                    "totalSupply": "50",
                    "maxSupply": "0"
        "network": "testnet",
        "mirrorNodeUrl": ""
    "receipt": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "accountId": "",
        "fileId": "",
        "contractId": "",
        "topicId": "",
        "tokenId": "",
        "scheduleId": "0.0.4285081",
        "exchangeRate": {
            "hbars": 30000,
            "cents": 333977,
            "expirationTime": "Fri, 26 Apr 2024 20:00:00 GMT",
            "exchangeRateInCents": 11.132566666666667
        "topicSequenceNumber": "0",
        "topicRunningHash": "",
        "totalSupply": "0",
        "scheduledTransactionId": "0.0.3581604@1714159254.939190271?scheduled",
        "serials": [],
        "duplicates": [],
        "children": []

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