

Identify Snap utilizes the Veramo framework to efficiently manage tasks related to Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), Verifiable Credentials (VCs), and Verifiable Presentations (VPs). Veramo is a high-performance, modular API designed for verifiable data and self-sovereign identity (SSI). It serves as a user-friendly client for creating, managing, verifying, and storing DIDs, VCs, and VPs, thereby simplifying the development process.

With Veramo's plugin development capabilities, we have created custom plugins such as the Snap Data Store plugin, which handles private key management, DID operations, and VC storage within the secure MetaMask environment. Additionally, we have developed the Google Drive Data Store plugin, enabling remote storage of VCs on a user's personal Google Drive. This feature allows for seamless syncing of Identify Snap data across multiple browsers and devices.

In essence, by incorporating the Veramo framework into the Identify Snap, developers can easily manage various aspects of DIDs, VCs, and VPs, while also benefiting from custom plugins tailored to specific needs and use cases.

What is Veramo?

Veramo is a simple-to-use JavaScript tool that allows developers to integrate secure, verifiable data into their apps. It's designed for those who want to incorporate advanced features like Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials.

The verifiable data field has rapidly expanded, resulting in numerous competing standards, which can cause compatibility issues. Veramo solves this problem by being adaptable, modular, and scalable, allowing developers to easily combine various standards without worrying about compatibility or frequently changing specifications.

Developers and product owners often face challenges when dealing with competing standards and may hesitate to commit to a specific vendor or standard. Veramo aims to create an ecosystem of compatible functionality through specialized community plugins that follow open standards.

Veramo works closely with the W3C and DIF to ensure compatibility across different projects. With Veramo, developers can customize their agents by using core plugins for various functions, including DID methods, messaging protocols, storage, key management, and authentication.

To learn more about Veramo, refer to the Veramo Guide.

How does Identify Snap use Veramo?

Last updated