
How to call the API from an app

Hedera Wallet Snap connects to your currently connected Metamask account by default. To learn how apps can connect to Hedera Wallet Snap using a non-metamask(external) account, refer to this documentation.

Then, depending on whether you're trying to connect to a metamask account or a non-metamask account, you can call the snap API in the following way:

const snapId = `npm:@hashgraph/hedera-wallet-snap`

const deleteAccountAPI = async () => {
  const externalAccountParams = {
    externalAccount: {
      accountIdOrEvmAddress: '0.0.12345',
      curve: 'ED25519'

  await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
    params: {
      request: {
        method: 'deleteAccount',
        params: {
          network: 'testnet',
          transferAccountId: '0.0.67890', 
            Uncomment the below line if you want to connect 
            to a non-metamask account
          // ...externalAccountParams

What the API does

  1. Retrieves the currently connected account the user has selected on Metamask. If it's the first time, a new snap account is created and the account info is saved in snap state.

  2. Calls the Hedera SDK Delete Account API that deletes an existing account from the Hedera Token. Before deleting an account, the existing HBAR is transferred to the account defined by transferAccountId. NOTE: Deleting an account is an irreversible action.

  3. Returns the transaction receipt as response.

Some example responses:

For a hedera account id 0.0.4559:

  "currentAccount": {
    "hederaAccountId": "0.0.4559",
    "hederaEvmAddress": "0x3ba201df50314e4702d4d92b52d304ee63bfca23",
    "balance": {
      "hbars": 0,
      "timestamp": "2024-02-01T21:40:21.826Z",
      "tokens": {}
    "network": "testnet"
  "receipt": {
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "accountId": "",
    "fileId": "",
    "contractId": "",
    "topicId": "",
    "tokenId": "",
    "scheduleId": "",
    "exchangeRate": {
      "hbars": 1,
      "cents": 12,
      "expirationTime": "Mon, 25 Nov 1963 17:31:44 GMT",
      "exchangeRateInCents": 12
    "topicSequenceNumber": "0",
    "topicRunningHash": "",
    "totalSupply": "0",
    "scheduledTransactionId": "",
    "serials": [],
    "duplicates": [],
    "children": []

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